Welcome 2021:GOT MEMORY CONCERNS? (although we’d like to forget 2020)

"FROM THE DOCTOR'S DESK..." Coming to a theater near you. MY MEMORY PAL.COM will present a guide of 'How Tos' to tackle the initial concerns regarding memory challenges from as minor as forgetting a name (even for young people) to not remembering how to get home from a friend's house. Stand by for interviews from... Continue Reading →

Guess Who’s Not Coming to Dinner? Mr. Memory

Being a fly on the wall of a recent dinner party hosted by yours truly would've made you giggle. I can tell you who wasn't there after some lovely Veitti Langhe Italian wine and the new, celebrated release of the Old County Cellars Cab...Mr. Memory. The hour was, well it seemed late after incredible Bouillabaisse... Continue Reading →


Ever heard the expression "It Takes a Village?" Well the 'village' in remembering is series of cognitive connectors (intermediaries) that come together to form the skill to recall information. MyMemoryPal curriculum refers to this as a CONSTELLATION OF MEMORY STARS. I talk about this a lot and in many ways with many synonyms; redundancy helps... Continue Reading →

Improve Your Memory’s Visual Skills “Checking it Twice: 12 LiL WORDS”

Visualization is one of our most important skills for storing information in our memories and for remembering. I love the Lindamood Bell® program because it allows kids who may not have an intuitive, visualizing mind to express that part of their brains that don't intuitively create visual images. It also has lasted the test of... Continue Reading →

Improve Memory with Clock Exercises

https://youtu.be/CFOiVfhyP9o Hey Folks, I published an exercise on YouTube (https://youtu.be/CFOiVfhyP9o) for Memory Exercises & CLOCK THERAPY this week and promised the following links and worksheets. There are 4 listings. Please feel free to leave any comments on the YouTube video and help us get higher in the YouTube visibility queue by liking us. As always,... Continue Reading →

Is a Peach Just a Peach? The Peach Memory System

Memory is always enhanced by multi-sensory learning and using multiple sense to remember something. Undoubtedly you have experienced some sort of multi-sensory learning either in your life or your kids' lives. Multi-sensory piano instruction is huge; one of the best is the Suzuki Violin method, the multi-sensory math program, Making Math Real enables students to... Continue Reading →

Simply Put: What Does it Take to Really Improve Your Memory?

Truly, the simplest piece of coaching I can give you is:   It's all about the daily routine. If you following YouTube sensation Jordan Peterson (Love'em and not depending upon the subject), you've probably heard of "Self Authoring." Well if not, it distills down to make it happen by planning!!!!! So let's get planning but first... Continue Reading →

New York Times Part Two: Improve Your Memory with Visuals!

This is part two of Tim Hererra's New York Times article: "A SIMPLE WAY TO BETTER REMEMBER THINGS: DRAW A PICTURE."By Tim Herrera Jan. 6, 2019 In that 2016 paper, they wrote that the act of drawing things out encourages “a seamless integration of semantic, visual and motor aspects of a memory trace.” Further, Dr. Wammes said,... Continue Reading →

11th Day of Xmas: Santa’s Sense of Direction Just Got Better!!!!!!

Merry Christmas Eve 🎄🎅🏻 Ok so if you read the “Improve Your Sense of Direction” blog post, you might have been practicing visualizing routes this holiday season. I’m happy to say, Santa’s sense of direction seems on track according to NORAD! Here’s an extra tip: REFLECTION ON A JOURNEY Think about somewhere new you drove this... Continue Reading →

7th Day of Xmas: Checking it Twice! (Scanning for Threats Reduces Missing Appointments, etc.)

Why, oh why do we make mistakes? Because we hate checking our lists twice. I remember when my kiddo was learning addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, writing composition rules and we had such a hard time getting him into the habit of checking his work twice and looking for errors. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I... Continue Reading →

4th Day of Xmas: Home Depot Santa Can’t remember Rudolf’s Name: Get Your Attention On!!!!!!

https://youtu.be/-Zhy_5aD7ks  "Someone Need a Hug?" (Will Ferrell in the movie ELF) I was in Home Depot yesterday walking the aisles with Santa looking for mini lights for my wreath. I asked Santa if he had seen my friend Rick. He told me he couldn't remember names of co-workers. I exclaimed "...but Rick's been here for... Continue Reading →

6th Day of Xmas: The biggest gift of all–More Time!!!! (Smart People have Less Time, True or False?)

The smartest people I know have the least amount of time to get things done. Why? Because their time management skills aren't as strong as their I.Q. skills. It's been 35 wonderful years of working with Executive Dysfunction and here's my petri dish of evidence-based anecdotes & antidotes: Most people here in Silicon Valley that... Continue Reading →

5th Day of Xmas Memory Formula: Remembering Algorithm Enhances Indelibility & Memory Habit Success

It's clear to all of us during this indulgent season that getting back to good healthy habits is super hard come January. So buck-up and establish one thing you want to do to improve your memory and start the "Habit of Memory Exercise." It only takes a few minutes, say every other day eventually but... Continue Reading →

On the 3rd Day of Xmas My True Love Said to Me, “We’re Lost!” Part 2: Memory Exercises to Improve Your Sense of Direction!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-Q0JmWjj0 Brain Exercises to Improve Your Sense of Direction! Let's continue with part two on how to improve your sense of direction--the category of cognitive functioning is "Locality."  William Atkinson, author of "Memory" (podcast) says first you have to have a strong desire to learn Locality. It's about paying attention such as noting the roads you... Continue Reading →

12 DAYS OF XMAS MEMORIES: Is Santa Lost or Did He Forget to Come?Santa Learns How to Improve his Sense of Driving Directions.

FIRST DAY OF XMAS - Imagine having a great sense of direction!One Xmas when I was a toddler, my Dad was in New York working on a TV show not sure if it was The Munsters, Leave It To Beaver, I Love Lucy or Denis The Menace. He got stuck in a blizzard and couldn't... Continue Reading →

No, Your Other Right: Memory Trick for Remembering Right from Left.

See the "L" There seems to be a connection between the person that doesn't always remember right from left and their sense of directions. Perhaps it's because they are direction-ally challenged? Yup, you guessed it, "a smart person's problem." FOR A QUICK READ: SKIP TO PRACTICAL APPLICATION You can improve your sense of direction and... Continue Reading →

STUFF THE BALLOT BOXES — IT’S ON THE TIP OF MY TONGUE “Which Court Justice did I want to vote for?”

(For fast hints: skip below to PRACTICAL APPLICATION.) A whole 'lotta' folks, including yours truly are finding an occasional slip of the 'ol word recall when it comes to word retrieval or trying to find a name, etc. It's called "dysnomia." When I got to the mid-term voting polls I was stumped because I hadn't... Continue Reading →

EMOTIONS & ASSOCIATIONS: “I’ll Never Forget You Alexander Hamilton!”

Emotions underscore key events, most of which you will never forgot. Yesterday emotions were running high (and low). I was in the online queue for Hamilton tickets, I was 119,922. 10 hours later I was 'IN' and had 12 minutes to register for three tickets. My hope was high, my Adrenalin was streaming and excitement... Continue Reading →


If you are a history buff like I am, you can find lots of great cognitive exercising opportunities from history, utilizing some of the tools I've mentioned in the "Fossilized Data" blog entry.  Today's lesson plan: Hamilton! I am currently number 85,988 in the online sign-up today (tickets just went on sale; I started at... Continue Reading →


Creating impressions for longer term memory takes a myriad of skills working together to: a. Decode the information in a way that makes sense. b. File the information for easy retrieval. Making an impression requires multiple stems: Listening (focus) Hearing what the incoming data sounds like Visualizing Paying Attention Associating Retelling Revisiting There are so... Continue Reading →


Memory Exercises are not just brain exercises. There has been much published with good, clean data in the last couple years about the young adult (including teens) brain. We know the Pre-Frontal Cortex where your cognitive skills live for organizing (your thoughts, your time, your schedule, your work, your social life, prioritizing, parsing out the... Continue Reading →


Anyone ascribe to the Malcolm Gladwell 10,000 hours is needed to become an expert? Even if you don't agree, one thing is for sure, PRACTICE REALLY DOES MAKE PERFECT. I love this article by Gerald Marzaroti from the New York Times in 2016:  https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/01/opinion/better-aging-through-practice-practice-practice.html. The net, net (ha pun intended) is finding new things to become... Continue Reading →

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