12 DAYS OF XMAS MEMORIES: Is Santa Lost or Did He Forget to Come?Santa Learns How to Improve his Sense of Driving Directions.

FIRST DAY OF XMAS - Imagine having a great sense of direction!One Xmas when I was a toddler, my Dad was in New York working on a TV show not sure if it was The Munsters, Leave It To Beaver, I Love Lucy or Denis The Menace. He got stuck in a blizzard and couldn't... Continue Reading →

Memory Supplements: Fact or Farce?

It seems like everywhere I turn there is an ad for a supplement for improving brain functioning, improving memory, etc. Perhaps it's because there are 77 million Baby Boomers (the oldest was born in 1946.) Here's what Julia Calderone wrote in Consumer Reports last February.    (Skip below for PRACTICAL APPLICATION.) “ The signs of... Continue Reading →

No, Your Other Right: Memory Trick for Remembering Right from Left.

See the "L" There seems to be a connection between the person that doesn't always remember right from left and their sense of directions. Perhaps it's because they are direction-ally challenged? Yup, you guessed it, "a smart person's problem." FOR A QUICK READ: SKIP TO PRACTICAL APPLICATION You can improve your sense of direction and... Continue Reading →

STUFF THE BALLOT BOXES — IT’S ON THE TIP OF MY TONGUE “Which Court Justice did I want to vote for?”

(For fast hints: skip below to PRACTICAL APPLICATION.) A whole 'lotta' folks, including yours truly are finding an occasional slip of the 'ol word recall when it comes to word retrieval or trying to find a name, etc. It's called "dysnomia." When I got to the mid-term voting polls I was stumped because I hadn't... Continue Reading →

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