11th Day of Xmas: Santa’s Sense of Direction Just Got Better!!!!!!

Merry Christmas Eve 🎄🎅🏻 Ok so if you read the “Improve Your Sense of Direction” blog post, you might have been practicing visualizing routes this holiday season. I’m happy to say, Santa’s sense of direction seems on track according to NORAD! Here’s an extra tip: REFLECTION ON A JOURNEY Think about somewhere new you drove this... Continue Reading →

7th Day of Xmas: Checking it Twice! (Scanning for Threats Reduces Missing Appointments, etc.)

Why, oh why do we make mistakes? Because we hate checking our lists twice. I remember when my kiddo was learning addition/subtraction/multiplication/division, writing composition rules and we had such a hard time getting him into the habit of checking his work twice and looking for errors. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I... Continue Reading →

4th Day of Xmas: Home Depot Santa Can’t remember Rudolf’s Name: Get Your Attention On!!!!!!

https://youtu.be/-Zhy_5aD7ks  "Someone Need a Hug?" (Will Ferrell in the movie ELF) I was in Home Depot yesterday walking the aisles with Santa looking for mini lights for my wreath. I asked Santa if he had seen my friend Rick. He told me he couldn't remember names of co-workers. I exclaimed "...but Rick's been here for... Continue Reading →

6th Day of Xmas: The biggest gift of all–More Time!!!! (Smart People have Less Time, True or False?)

The smartest people I know have the least amount of time to get things done. Why? Because their time management skills aren't as strong as their I.Q. skills. It's been 35 wonderful years of working with Executive Dysfunction and here's my petri dish of evidence-based anecdotes & antidotes: Most people here in Silicon Valley that... Continue Reading →

5th Day of Xmas Memory Formula: Remembering Algorithm Enhances Indelibility & Memory Habit Success

It's clear to all of us during this indulgent season that getting back to good healthy habits is super hard come January. So buck-up and establish one thing you want to do to improve your memory and start the "Habit of Memory Exercise." It only takes a few minutes, say every other day eventually but... Continue Reading →

On the 3rd Day of Xmas My True Love Said to Me, “We’re Lost!” Part 2: Memory Exercises to Improve Your Sense of Direction!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bs-Q0JmWjj0 Brain Exercises to Improve Your Sense of Direction! Let's continue with part two on how to improve your sense of direction--the category of cognitive functioning is "Locality."  William Atkinson, author of "Memory" (podcast) says first you have to have a strong desire to learn Locality. It's about paying attention such as noting the roads you... Continue Reading →

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